In May of 2022, multiple reports of Apex Legends Mobile suggested that it was coming this month. However, the exact date was not announced. As this news was spreading, a leaker announced that Apex Legends Mobile Global version is releasing on May 17th with tons of new and exclusive content.
Apex Legends is a superb game from Respawn Entertainment, the developers of Titanfall, and due to its popularity, Apex Legends Mobile was announced. However, only pre-registered users were able to play the game.
Sources of the report are still unknown, but they claim that the official announcement will happen this week. However, the amount of content disclosed regarding Apex Legends for Mobile is vast. Here are some interesting leaks about the Mobile version of Apex:
- 10 Legends at launch
- Built for mobile ‘from the ground up’
- Classic World’s Edge and Kings Canyon
- Ranked Play + Mobile-exclusive modes
New Mobile Exclusive Legend Leaked
Another important leak here is that Apex Legends Mobile will have an exclusive legend called Fade, also known as “Phasing Punisher.” As each legend has their own abilities here are the abilities of Fade according to the sources:
- Passive – Slipstream – You can gain a short movement speed boost at the end of the slide.
- Tactical – Flash Back – Go back to where you were a while ago from the Void.
- Ultimate – Phase Chamber – Release a phase cage to send all Legends within range into the Void.

The other nine Legends coming to Apex Legends Mobile will be:
- Bloodhound
- Wraith
- Octane
- Pathfinder
- Mirage
- Bangalore
- Lifeline
- Caustic
- Gibraltar

Some other neat additions:
- Spitfire now spawns on ground
- Crafting points that you can collect from supply boxes and other places: Use them to craft level 3 armor, backpack in crafting stations at various locations
Apex Legends Mobile Global Launch Trailer:
As of this writing, more than 10 million people have pre-registered for Apex Legends mobile since it was announced. For May 17th, 2022, Apex Legends Mobile will be released on iOS and Android.