You might have heard someone saying the word OP while you were playing. Now, often people are confused and ask what does OP mean in gaming. Well, ladies and gentlemen, today, we will reveal what the dictionary says about OP and what does OP mean in gaming. If you already know what OP means, then you are a real gamer.
The abbreviation “OP” is widely used on the internet, although its meaning varies depending on the context. Someone on Reddit and someone on Twitch could both say OP in a sentence, but the connotations would be entirely different.
In the online forum world where users can make posts, the word OP is used to describe the person who makes the post to which others are now responding, or who makes the original post in the first place. So, when someone says OP in this context, they’re referring to the original poster or the original post itself. OP is widely used on sites, platforms, or forums that encourage user interaction, such as Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr.
Gaming Terms: Understanding Usage & Meanings
Like in real world somethings do not make sense without giving context and in the same way the gaming world has terms that are used with given context. Like the famous term “JOD” or the term “JOD or WOT?” first used by Tanmay Singh an Indian player. The term JOD stands for God and the Phrase JOD or WOT stands for God or what.
Now these terms can not blatantly be used anywhere and anytime. These are gaming terms only used when a player does something incredible and usually in competitive games where you play against other real players like PUBG/BGMI. However, the case for other gaming terms may vary like OP.
OP Urban Dictionary Meaning
In Urban Dictionary there are two meaning of OP: Overpowered and Original Poster. The meaning overpowered of OP was introduced recently due to the fairly increasing popularity among gamers. Given that there were over 3.24 billion gamers across the globe in 2021 the term OP had to be added in dictionaries as every language is evolving with time. However, Urban dictionary fails to explain the correct usage of the term OP and which is why we are here to help you use the term correctly.
The Real Question: What does OP mean in Gaming?
The acronym OP stands for “Overpowered” in the context of gaming. The person saying this is praising the subject as too powerful. Being referred to as OP in a game is a great achievement as it states that the particular person is extremely skilled at the game. However, the acronym OP is not only used for players but for in-game items as well. A gun could be OP because of its high damage, fast rate of fire, or no recoil.
The acronym OP can stand for two different words depending on its context and where it is used:
- OP can stand for “Original poster” in forums and posts.
- OP can stand for “Overpowered” in the gaming context.

The first recorded use of the word OP in gaming as overpowered was way back in 2012 and the game was World of Warcraft. So you can say the OPs (original posters) of the acronym OP (overpowered) were World of Warcraft players. With the number of gamers increasing day by day, more and more individuals come across gaming lingo and short forms. To avoid embarrassing yourself, it is best if you come prepared. OP is an acronym for “overpowered,” and is sometimes written as “O.P.” or “op.”
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Correct Usage of OP Term in Gaming
Now we know what OP means in gaming but we still have to explain the correct usage of the term. Many gaming slams like OP and JOD can not be used in every game. These terms are usually used in competitive games when referring to a player’s extraordinary skills as compared to others.
However, the game also plays an important role in the slangs used. Like you can use the term OP in competitive games but not in games like SQUAD, Insurgency Sandstorm and Arma where you play as a real soldier with a team it is not advised to use unprofessional or unrealistic terms. The phrases and terms like cover fire, nice shot, fire in the hole, airstrike requested are encouraged to add realism.
By the definition of the dictionary, the word overpowered states that it can only be used as a verb, meaning “to overwhelm, vanquish, or overcome.” However, the use case of it in the context of video games is different. Instead, OP is a word used by gamers to characterize a certain character, class, skill, or other feature of a game as being overpowered.
For example, in the game PUBG, the new gun MG3 Machine gun is OP, Shroud is OP, and now that you know what OP means, YOU ARE OP!